Well....didn't have much luck at the booth on Friday - we figured it was too much competition. The fair and other things considered...
At least we didn't get rained out!
Saturday I went to help my sister-in-law with her booth at the Ogden Valley Arts and Balloon festival...it was crazy. I set up my paint, but only about 2 people looked at my stuff. Everyone wanted their face painted!! (which is what my sister-in-law does) So, I ended up jumping in and helping do faces. It was actually really fun! I think I could do this...lol
This little girl was my first attempt at the butterfly she wanted. She liked it... ;)
I spent most of the day doing butterflies, flowers, tigers... you can see my painting in the background, lol.
One girl toward the end of the evening wanted to have her face painted like an owl. Had to invent that one. Showed her a stuffed one I happened to snap with my phone just the day before, and she liked the idea. so, made her up. She liked it! So, I guess it went well. Her sister wanted to be a zebra, so that was invented too, though I guess my sister-in-law had a photo somewhere, I just didn't want to take the time to find it. My arm was sure tired by the end of the night. I don't know how people sit there all day like that!! Whew! My niece and nephew do this all the time too. I guess I should let them know I could be back up, huh? lol
At least we didn't get rained out!

I spent most of the day doing butterflies, flowers, tigers... you can see my painting in the background, lol.

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